News Technology

Lenovo Creates First Ever Eye-Controlled Computer

Blinking or being distracted by someone across the room could potentially lead to your documents closing unsaved, now that your eyes can control your computer.
Amelia Walkley
March 02, 2011


All the best superheroes can zap enemies with laser eyes. Wouldn't it be cool if us ordinary folk also had the power to control the objects in our sights? OK, so the technology empowering our eyes to pulverise hasn't been invented yet... and that's probably a good thing...but today saw the release of the next best thing to it.

One of the world's largest computer companies, Lenovo, has partnered with eye-tracking technology experts Tobii to produce prototypes for the first ever eye-controlled computer, and the public has the chance to test it out at digital tradeshow CeBIT in Hannover, Germany. Barbara Barclay, general manager of Tobii North America says “We anticipate that people will be extremely excited to be able to control their computer with their eyes.”

Using an infrared light source and a camera that observers a user's eyes, the technology combines software that works out where the eyes are positioned in space in front of the computer, and where they're looking. Computer commands powered by the user's eyes, such as as selecting an icon or scrolling through text, will complement existing functions of the mouse and keyboard.

[Via Fast Company]