News Technology

Nokia and Burton Develop Smart Snowboards

Snowboard with sensors can track your runs, and will do anything else you can think of and develop

Pat Fogarty
March 21, 2011


Don't you hate it? You finish carving it up on the black run, having linked together some pretty sweet tricks, only for your buddy to claim his jumps were airier and his landings smoother. If only  you had some way of objectively measuring just who was the more extreme…

Perhaps you can. Nokia have teamed up with leading snowboard company Burton to develop Push Snowboarding, adding sensors to the board and rider that track your every action. Motion data and biometrics such as heart-rate and skin conductivity are collected wirelessly by the phone sitting in your pocket, allowing you to back up your bragging, or just monitor your progress.

The development of 'connected' products can sometimes be an unnecessary gimmick, but in the sports world performance data is priceless for elite athletes. Innovatively, rather than keep the tech in-house and hush-hush, the platform is open to the boarding world, allowing the end-users to hack their own uses for the technology.

It's a clever strategy from Nokia, effectively crowd-sourcing their customers to help develop ideas for the product. It could lead to purely entertaining uses, such as loading real runs up to video games, or improved safety features that aid in search and rescue. Whether it ends up as the next must-have accessory for the slopes, or is consigned to the tech junk heap along with the internet fridge, now rests in the hands of the boarders themselves.

[via PSFK]