News Technology

The EPOC Neuroheadset Lets Your Brain do the Talking

EPOC's Neuroheadset allows users to control their computer with thoughts.

Katie Calvin
April 06, 2011


The human brain has been studied inside and out, and its complexities never cease to amaze us. We can make a fist, take a step or turn the wheel all because our thoughts are connected to our actions, but perhaps the new EPOC Neuroheadset will do away with the need for actions altogether.

The neuroheadset is a brain-scanning device that allows you to control your computer with your mind. The headset detects brain signals to determine users' emotions and also contains gyroscope technology that reads your position, body movements and facial expressions to accurately communicate commands.

Combined with the EmoLens application, the device can detect the emotions you feel as you browse through photos on Flickr and tag the photos accordingly - you don't even touch your mouse or keyboard. If you're bored of that trick, the headset can also use concentration, number of eye blinks or head shakes to determine how you're feeling.

Among other applications that can be purchased include Mind Mouse, which allows the user to perform standard computer commands like clicking or double clicking a mouse or even sending an email, and Master Mind, with which users can play their favourite computer games with their minds.

The applications and uses are quite limited at this stage, but along with other superhero-inspired technology coming to market, perhaps it won't be long before we can control things with our minds alone. Like a car.