2015 Sunset Series

Catch the last few rays of summer with a free set from Jakubi in Fitzroy Gardens.
Tom Clift
Published on January 04, 2015


Whip out the picnic rug, crack open a bottle of wine and make the most of the summer while you can. Over the next two weekends, January 10-11 and 17-18, Fitzroy Gardens will play host to a selection of live music performances and dance workshops. It’s the perfect place to hang out with mates and forget about the work year that’s already inconveniently underway.

The 2015 Sunset Series kicks off each evening at 5pm. Saturdays are dedicated to local music acts, including Jakubi, Afro-Columbian outfit Madre Monte and nine-piece dub/reggae group Echo Drama, among others. Sundays are dedicated to dance workshops where you can practice your salsa moves, or learn how to twist like a Bollywood star.

So kick back, relax and enjoy the sunset. BYO food and drink, or you can take advantage of the services of some of Melbourne’s favourite food trucks, who’ll be on site all evening for dinner.

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