Adam Sandler Fest

Spend Easter watching five of the comedian's best big-screen roles.
Sarah Ward
Published on March 07, 2021


Christmas barely seems behind us, but it's time to start thinking about Easter already. And while there are many ways to mark the occasion, only one involves paying tribute to a cinema star like no other — and also playing mini golf in a cinema.

Between Thursday, April 1–Sunday, April 4, the Lido, Classic and Cameo cinemas are all hosting Adam Sandler Fest. Although it kicks off on April Fools' Day, it definitely isn't a joke. You will be laughing at Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore and The Wedding Singer, though, and getting considerably more serious with Punch-Drunk Love.

Rounding out the bill is the phenomenal Uncut Gems, Sandler's best-ever on-screen role, which'll be hitting the big screen in Australia for the first time — and, unlike everything else on the program, will be showing multiple times.

While the whole festival is obviously filled with highlights, the 25th anniversary session of Happy Gilmore at the Lido will include a putt putt contest before the movie. Yep, you'll be tap, tap, tapping, with prizes on offer.


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