Bottomless Pierogis at Eat Pierogi Make Love

You can score two hours of unlimited pierogis every Monday night at Eat Pierogi Make Love until the end of winter.
Andrew Zuccala
Published on June 05, 2024


Winter is here, meaning it's time to embrace all the stodgy carbs. And what better way to do that than with Eat Pierogi Make Love's bottomless pierogi deal?

Every Monday night from now until the end of August, you can score two hours of unlimited Polish dumplings for a mere $39. There's no chance you'll be leaving hungry — trust us, you can get through a whole lot of pierogis in two hours.

Eat Pierogi, Make Love

You'll be rotating through five different flavour combos throughout the night. On the menu, you'll find dumplings stuffed with potato and twaróg cheese, pan-fried mushroom and sauerkraut, beef and vegetables, smoked Polish sausage and cheese, and jalapeño, potato and vegan cheese. These bad boys will come out hot and fast, and are paired with sour cream and dill. And they're best paired with a cold beer, bottle of wine or cheeky shot of vodka.

We can think of few better ways to spend a cold Monday night than at Eat Pierogi Make Love. Although, unlike the name suggests, we doubt you'll be up for making love after feasting on platefuls of dumplings. We expect dinner will be followed by a long TV bingeing session on the couch with lots of deep, slow breathing.

Eat Pierogi, Make Love


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