Paper City

Zine vendor Sticky Institute celebrates the joys of independent mags with the thinking person's answer to Woodstock.
Zac Millner-Cretney
Published on February 05, 2013


Sticky Institute, Melbourne's staunch defenders of independent zine culture, have four huge days of entertainment lined up for Paper City, a festival celebrating everything in and around the joys of printed matter. If heartfelt, handcrafted mini-mags on any number of niche topics sounds like a riot, this is the event for you.

The opening night party at Yah Yah's on Thursday features underground rap/noise stars Brothers Hand Mirror with supports in the folk and indie vein, as well as a complement of DJs.

Friday the festival kicks off proper, with events all day at Sticky's underground Degraves Subway space, with a band t-shirt party and a split-zine launch among the day's lo-fi but high energy activities.

Saturday brings some zine-world heavy hitters with the launch of the second issues of both the ethical eaters' recipe book Veganistan, and the much-needed Sex Industry Apologist.

Then Sunday is the main event: a zine stall at Melbourne Town Hall, for all your zine needs. Get amongst it!


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