Arts & Entertainment

TEES: Exposing Melbourne’s T-shirt Culture

How much is there to say about the humble T-shirt? A whole bunch.
By Zac Millner-Cretney
January 16, 2013

Friday, December 7, 2012 - Sunday, February 17, 2013

Friday, December 7, 2012 - Sunday, February 17, 2013

How much is there to say about the humble T-shirt? A whole bunch, according to Eddie Zammit, editor of the world's apparently only T-shirt magazine, T-World. Collaborating with Just Another, the streetiest of design agencies, they have created TEES, an exhibition about Melbourne's T-shirt scene.

Expect bucketloads of excellent designs from top Melbourne artists, memorabilia from metal shows, and plenty of Melbourne pride — the "T-shirt underdog of the world", according to Zammit.

Slap on your most vintage t-shirt, that one you've had since you were eight, holes and all, and head on over to Fed Square to get a piece of the action.

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