The Beautiful Bunch Valentine's Day Workshop

Buy yourself flowers — and learn how arrange them beautifully, too.
Libby Curran
Published on February 10, 2023


Perhaps all this mushy pre-Valentine's Day hype only stands to enforce your new mantra: "I can buy myself flowers". Well, you can make those self-acquired blooms look damn pretty, too, thanks to social enterprise and floral delivery service The Beautiful Bunch.

On Tuesday, February 14, it's spreading a little Valentine's Day self-love with a hands-on floral arrangement workshop at its Fitzroy North studio. So forget about a table for two and make a date with your creative side instead.

Led by the group's expert florists, the two-hour class will guide you through putting together your own stunning vase assembly of fresh blooms. The $150 session also includes free-flowing rosé and a few snacks for added creative fuel.

You can feel extra good about your evening's floristry pursuits knowing that you're helping support The Beautiful Bunch's work providing meaningful employment for young refugee and migrant women. And you'll have a gorgeous floral piece to take home as a reminder that you can indeed buy yourself some flowers.

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