TOMA Tequila

Taste tequila done right.
Amy Collins
Published on May 01, 2013


Tequila gets a bad wrap; there is no denying that. TOMA Tequila from the Australian owned tequila brand Tromba Tequila is here to teach us a little bit about just how it's made and how we should be drinking it — no lick, sip, suck in sight.

'Toma tequila' means drink tequila, and that is all these sessions are really about. And learning a thing or two along the way. Spend two hours at Little Blood on Brunswick Street, tasting a range of tequilas and chasers made to highlight their qualities as well as making some cocktails while you're at it. The team at Kodiak downstairs will whip up some Mexican snacks, and you've made a night of it.

There is no hard sell here either, folks; Tromba won't even be available to purchase after the sessions. It's purely about tasting and enjoying one spirit that people often don't know how to handle.

From May, TOMA sessions will run on the last Thursday of each month

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