World Dumpling Day Degustation

A one-off dumpling degustation with six courses and 15 different dumps.
Kat Hayes
Published on August 30, 2019


Dumplings are great any time of the year. Whether it's a rainy wintry day, a summer scorcher or smack bang in the middle of spring. Corresponding with the latter is World Dumpling Day, a food celebration we're happy to get behind when dumpling degustations are involved.

Yes, South Yarra's Oriental Teahouse is celebrating this fun food day, on Thursday, September 26, with a one-off dumpling degustation. Kicking off at 7pm, the dinner features six courses of dumplings — including laksa-filled dumplings, braised duck leg dumplings, prawn shumai and sweet dumplings served with ice cream — all for $65.

During the dumplings feast you'll get to try an impressive 15 different types of dumplings. We suggest you pull out and pull on your stretchy pants.

If you'd like to pair your buns with six matched beers, wines and umeshu, it'll set you back an extra $20.



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