News Food & Drink

Iceland Just Opened Its First Beer Spa

Sit in beer while drinking beer.
Sarah Ward
June 10, 2017


For decades, Australians have been told that a hard-earned thirst needs a big, cold beer. In Iceland, a well-deserved soak also needs just that — and a whole tub full of brews. Helping keep the Scandinavian nation on the top of everyone's travel bucket list, it now boasts its first ever beer spa. Yes, that involves sitting in yeasty goodness while drinking it.

Just opened in Árskógssandur in the country's north, Bjórböðin features nine tubs just waiting for beer lovers to take a dip in their favourite beverage. Seven two-person baths, made from Kambala wood, can be found inside, while two larger hot tubs capable of seating 8 to 10 people take the brew-soaking action outside.

Each is filled with beer, water, hops and yeast, and don't worry — while you can knock back a few draughts while they're there, drinking the bathwater isn't on the agenda. Visitors steep themselves in the warm brew for 25 minutes at a time, then head for a 25-minute spell in a relaxation room. To get the most out of the soak (because bathing in beer is all about boosting your skin and hair, not just sitting in the tasty amber liquid), showering for a few hours isn't recommended.

For those keen on making the trek, there's also a restaurant on site, helping everyone pair their drinking with a meal. And if you're eager to bathe in brews in more than one place, plan an Iceland-US round trip, with a beer hotel planned in Columbus, Ohio.

Image: Bjórböðin.