Are you poor? A hippy? Vegetarian? I'm none of those things and yet I still think Hare Krishna: Food For Life on Karangahape Road is one of the city's funkiest places to eat. With cutlery and plating akin to a prison (except perhaps more metal than plastic) it's the ultimate in no-frills eating – and damn is it good. It's hard to really describe Hare Krishna – it sits along Family Bar and a rave-infested nightclub, open only until 7pm and serves only vegetarian food. A basic combo will see you loaded up with a vegetable/potato curry on rice, pakoras (deep fried falafels), some kind of soup and a weird dessert with custard – and unlimited water. All for the bargain basement price of $5 for students, $6 for regular people. And you'll struggle to finish that meal. Beyond the standard combo is an array of goodies – vegetarian lasagne, some kind of pizza thing, other weird curry types I haven't tried, but I'd put good money down they're delicious. Basic as it comes, you can't overlook this place when you're on the hunt for cheap eats – or just something tasty. While some might complain about the lack of style and grace, when you're paying a fiver for a full belly, who are you to whine?