Travel & Leisure

Penders Park

The perfect picnic spot right in the heart of Thornbury.
By Nik Addams
April 28, 2021
Penders Park

Saint David Street, Thornbury

For its size, Thornbury definitely punches above its weight class when it comes to open green spaces. Of the many in the area, our favourite is the leafy Penders Park.

Set a couple of blocks over from High Street, the park features plenty of spots for chilled outdoor activities. Pack a picnic and set yourself up on a lush patch of lawn, or choose a cosy spot under one of the many trees for an afternoon reading session.

There's also a fenced-off playground to occupy any little ones that includes swings, a rope climbing-pyramid frame, hammock and skateboard springer. Penders Park also permits dogs off the leash, so your goodest boy will love it, too.

Our tip: pick up a takeaway from nearby Umberto Espresso Bar Greek Street Food, a nice drop of something from Carwyn Cellars, and make an afternoon out of it.

Images: Julia Sansone

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