This Travel Map Helps You Find the Best Weather All Year Round
This new online tool helps uses ten years of scientific data to map weather conditions.
Everyone has a preferred temperature. Some folks like rainy days, while others crave sunshine. Tropical weather beckons to some, and snowy climes call others. That remains the case when you go on holidays, but unless you're going skiing, you probably want to head somewhere where it'll be warm but not blistering hot, and where you won't need an umbrella. And, now, regardless of when you're getting away, you can always find the perfect destination.
Ryan Whitaker thought that working out the best place to go at any particular time of year would be easy; however when he found otherwise — "searching Google for things like 'best places to visit in January' or 'best time to visit Spain'", and coming across broad recommendations that weren't backed up by data or experience — he decided to create his own. Available on, the result is a map called The Best Time to Visit Anywhere in the World, and yep, that's exactly what it tells users.

Just enter your preferred week of travel, the temperature range you're after (including ideal minimum, maximum and average values), and how much rain you'd accept, and Whitaker's map has the answers. Available in both Celsius and Fahrenheit, it's based on National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration data from the past ten years, captured every day at between 10,000 and 12,000 weather stations — or 35 million lines of information. Users can also exclude areas that don't report on precipitation to minimise showery surprises.
Whitaker includes a reminder that his map isn't designed to replace local knowledge of events or seasonal attractions, but aims to "supplement it with good data on where temperatures are ideal." Keeping all that in mind, it's certain to prove a handy tool when you're planning your next getaway. Say goodbye to filling your suitcase with everything from an umbrella to swimwear to a warm coat — just in case — and hello to perfect holiday conditions.