Five Simple Articles on Concrete Playground

Telecom are keeping things simple. And so are we.

Kyle Bell
Published on October 31, 2012

As part of our Choice and Simplicity series with Telecom, we now look into the realm of simplicity. And we here at Concrete Playground like to keep things simple, and essentially, that is our job. Our job is to make your life simple, by finding the best of what is online, in the city, from restaurants to bars through to picnic spots. As with Telecom, we are at your service, providing choice, while keeping things simple. Enjoy.

Photos From 1911-14 Antarctic Expedition Released Online

The photos depict incredible vistas of the Antarctic, the wildlife and the experiences of the explorers.

Think this is choice, then simply click here for the full article.

The Evolution of Web Design Over Two Decades [INFOGRAPHIC]

Clever tech-heads have compiled a graph meticulously analysing the last two decades of the internet's design development.

Think this is choice, then simply click here for the full article.

Bamboo iPhone Covers

Eco-conscious designers at Grove have collaborated with UK illustrator Ryan Chapman to create handmade bamboo iPhone covers, using a combination of methods such as milling, filling and sanding.

Think this is choice, then simply click here for the full article.

NYC Phone Booths Incorporate Libraries

For those seeking solace from Manhattan's hustle and bustle, New York architect John Locke has installed mini libraries in city street phone booths.

Think this is choice, then simply click here for the full article.

Ten Best Burger Joints in Auckland

I couldn’t let the people down, I couldn’t let myself down – I had to know.

Think this is choice, then simply click here for the full article.

Main image by illustrator Henrietta Harris courtesy of Barkers Clothing.

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Published on October 31, 2012 by Kyle Bell
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