Samantha Jones Hilariously Dirties Up Spike Jonze’s Film Her

Theodore Twombly's new artificially intelligent operating system is crude, lewd and incredibly rude.

James Whitton
Published on January 22, 2014

With the Golden Globes having just passed, and the Oscars fast approaching, the internet has gone wild with appropriations of the nominated films and people involved in them. From Facebook pages dedicated to the funny things Jennifer Lawrence says to adulterated posters with their 'honest' titles, the world wide web loves to poke fun at the films we hold dear. And this new addition to the fray is hilarious.

Created by YouTuber Pop Culture Brain, this video is a parody trailer of Spike Jonze's latest offering, Her. The film stars Scarlett Johansson as Samantha, the artificially intelligent operating system in the introverted Theodore's (Joaquin Pheonix) home. Pop Culture Brain, however, swaps out Johansson with another famous Samantha — Sex and the City's Samantha Jones. Cue the silliness.

Kim Cattrall's notorious character is crass, lewd and oh so '90s. When you cut the quotes from the context of the show and switch them with the dialogue from the original trailer for Her, what you get is an absurdly uproarious piece of gutter humour.

Rather than an unconventional love story, Spike Jonze's solo script writing debut becomes a rampant sex party between a computer and a lonely guy. Naturally, its audio is NSFW.

Via Huffington Post.

Published on January 22, 2014 by James Whitton
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