Universal’s New Funhouse Is a Cabin in the Woods
Covering your eyes in the tense bits won't help you out of this one.
The Top Five Leadership Spills on Screen
See how Australian politics compares to famous spills on screen.
NZ International Film Festival Launches 2013 Program
Film lovers get ready for some popcorn-induced comas, the New Zealand International Film Festival has launched its 2013 program.
Win Tickets to Before Midnight
Before Midnight tells the endearing love story between Jesse (Ethan Hawke) and Celine (Julie Delpy)
Five Reasons We’d Believe Anything About Tilda Swinton
She lives on another planet, and it's one we're dying to visit.
Concrete Playground Meets Film Director Mark Albiston
Mark Albiston (left) and Louis Sutherland are film makers and long time mates who have based their first feature film Shopping on Louis' experiences growing up as a half Samoan half Pakeha. Concrete Playground caught up with Mark Albiston to find out more.
Is Hip Hop the 21st Century’s Answer to Jazz?
Jay-Z might just be the modern day equivalent of Jay Gatsby
Gun Control Laws Have an Unexpected Critic: Hollywood
Whatever will New York's film industry if they can't use real guns? Get creative, that's what.
Concrete Playground Meets Ira Glass of This American Life
We speak to Ira Glass, god of radio, ahead of This American Life's foray into film.
Ten Best Films at The Documentary Edge Festival 2013
With more films than you can shake a stick at, the Documentary Edge Festival provides a comprehensive selection of documentaries from around the world. Here are our ten picks.
Concrete Playground Meets Danny Boyle and the Cast of Trance
What film did you expect Danny Boyle to make next? Odds are it wasn't Trance, a hypno-heist thriller.
Friendly Fire Becomes More Literal as Thumbs Replace Guns
Our favourite bullet-firing heroes and villains have laid down their arms.
Win Tickets to Rust and Bone
Concrete Playground has five double passes to give away to Rust and Bone, an utterly absorbing and powerful French love story.
Carrie Fisher Is Returning to Star Wars, According to Carrie Fisher
Princess Leia is is bringing back those famous bagel buns and reprising her role.
A Lego Hogwarts Exists That Is Almost Big Enough to Enter
This Hogwarts castle made out of 400,000 Lego blocks is possibly more stupefying than the real Hogwarts.
The Five Greatest Papal Film Moments
Vatican movies to get you in the mood for the next two months of Church and State.
Win Tickets To I Give It a Year
Picking up where most romantic comedies end, I Give It A Year charts the rocky road of a rather mismatched couple navigating their first year of marriage.
Springsteen & I
Springsteen & I is an open invitation to people all over the world to share stories that celebrate one of the greatest lyrical storytellers of our generation.
Seth MacFarlane Makes Hitler Quip as Oscar Nominations are Announced
For all its bravado and banality, we, along with an estimated 40 million viewers worldwide, remain total suckers for the Oscars.
The Summer Movie Smackdown
Some of 2012's biggest titles duke it out on this special day of the year.
IMDB’s Top 250 Films in 2 1/2 Minutes
If you like your pop culture in bite size pieces then check out this awesome video "IMDB Top 250 in 2 1/2 Minutes"
Concrete Playground meets Dead Europe director Tony Krawitz
The filmmaker seeks out the ghosts of Europe with his new Christos Tsiolkas adaptation.
Ten Film-Inspired Luxury Getaways
We've reviewed the new releases and flipped through the DVD cabinet to bring you ten jaw-dropping locations.
Concrete Playground Meets ‘How To Meet Girls From A Distance’
Director Dean Hewison and actor Richard Falkner wrote, shot and edited their upcoming debut film 'How to Meet Girls From a Distance' all within six months. Concrete Playground had a chat with these long time friends to find out how they pulled it off.
Behind-the-Scenes Footage From Seminal Films
Uncut, unreleased and unseen movie footage provide fans with a unique and fascinating insight into the creative process of cinema's great artists.
Win Tickets to Your Sister’s Sister and Where Do We Go Now?
Concrete Playground are giving six lucky readers the chance to win double passes to the below international films, being released in New Zealand in September.
A Short Film Made Using Musical Bicycle Parts
Brooklyn artist Stephen Meierding has pulled bicycles apart in order to make his short film 'Bicycle Sounds'.
Ten Must See Films at the NZ 2012 International Film Festival
Ah the glitz and glamour of the Auckland 2012 International Film Festival, a shining light amongst the bleakness of winter, features a multitude of arthouse films squeezed into two and a half weeks of viewing pleasure.
Sydney Locations Made Famous In Film
Peter Templeman's Not Suitable For Children has recently brought cinematic eyes to the city, but this is not the first film to do so.
The Five Best Boutique Cinemas in Auckland
Here are the Concrete Playground Top Five picks for your next cinema visit:
This Week in Film Trailers
As the weather gets colder it makes more sense to stay indoors and watch movies than to brave the icy winds.
A History of Love on Film (and What it Says About Us)
From gay couples to unwed couples and human-monster romance, we look at those films that have changed how we see that crazy little thing called love.
Review /// Yogawoman
Concrete Playground's Film Editor Karina Abadia reviews the highly appraised documentary Yogawoman.
Arab Spring: Lifting The Veil
New Zealand and the world watched in amazement as a revolutionary wave of demonstrations and protests known as the ‘Arab Spring’ took place. This year, The Documentary Edge Festival 2012 pays tribute to these defining moments in recent history.
Concrete Playground meets Goodbye First Love’s Mia Hansen-Love
Concrete Playground spoke to the very talented young filmmaker ahead of her film’s Australian release.
Thailand’s Floating Film Festival
Movie-goers settled in to the floating Archipelago Cinema as part of a Thai film festival.
The Nerdy Girl Gets the Jock and Other Love Stories from the Voices Project
The Voices Project is brings together young people from different backgrounds and disciplines, and makes writers and viewers think about how storytelling changes from medium to medium.
Ron Burgundy to Return In Anchorman Sequel
Will Ferrell announces on Conan O'Brien that there will be a sequel to Anchorman.