• News

    Google’s Person Finder Helps Locate Tsunami Victims

    Person Finder is an online search tool to help people locate the whereabouts of family members, loved ones and friends that have been caught in the natural disaster.

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    Surreal Images Caused by Google Earth Glitches

    These dream-like pictures look as though they could be from the set of Inception, but they're actually screenshots from Google Earth

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    You’re the Spitting Image of Your Former Self

    Have you looked at your childhood photos lately?

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    Virtual Christchurch Cafe Raises Money for Earthquake Victims

    This philanthropic website seeks to aid New Zealand's earthquake victims with profits from virtual coffee products.

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    The new look Concrete Playground

    We've nipped, tucked and delivered Concrete Playground to you in a shiny new package, re-imagining everything from the ground up.

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    This City Speaks To Me: Photo Book of Melbourne Bohemia

    Melbourne's thriving bohemian culture captured in pictures and poems.

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    Participate in a Global Art Project and Help Turn The World Inside Out

    Semi-anonymous street artist JR has won the 2011 TED Award and is appealing to you, the public, to help him turn the world inside out.

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    Corinne Vionnet’s Photo Opportunities Capture the Tourist Experience

    Thousand's of observations from the tourist paparazzi come together in single, haunting images.

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    Art Installation Maps the Beauty of WiFi

    Immaterials acts as a reminder of what drives our society, what facilitates our social flings, and shows us the fragility of the foundation of our daily lives.

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    Labyrinth in Berlin Club Confuses Your Senses

    Imagine being drunk, in a maze, in the dark depths of an abandoned East Berlin club.

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    Artsicle: An Original Artwork Rental Scheme

    A new scheme running in New York let's you road test your art before you make a lifetime's commitment to it.

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    The Strokes’ New Album ‘Angles’ Leaked by iTunes UK

    Check out the 30 second clips of new Strokes' songs 'accidentally' uploaded by iTunes, conveniently compiled into one video.

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    Japanese Illustrator Exposes the Composition of Mammals

    When you peel back the skin of any animal you find a world or spiderweb nerves and strangely fragile skeletons.

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    New Book Puts Palestinian Street Art Against The Wall

    New photographs from the Palestinian territories highlight the suffering, the lives torn apart by relentless fighting, and appeal to a hope for a brighter day.

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    Daft Punk and Coke to Release Shiny Limited Edition Bottles

    New Coke bottles inspired by Daft Punk's robot helmets will undoubtedly become the source of many a French hipster's pick-up line.

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    Tron: Legacy Inspires Icehotel Art Suite

    British designers/sci-fi fans redesign Sweden's icehotel, Tron: Legacy style.

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    Feast Your Eyes: Ryan Matthew Smith’s Food Photography

    High tech photography to match high tech cuisine.

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    I Hope This Gets to You: A Viral Love Letter

    Filmmaker Walter C. May sends a love letter to his girlfriend through the power of the viral internet.

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    World’s Smallest Postal Services

    Things are always better in miniature. Including the postal service.

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    Trecho 2.8 Project Gives Homelessness a Lens

    A Brazilian project puts homelessness on the other side of the camera.

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    Ghostly photography flashes back to World War-torn Europe

    What is and what was come together in the same image.

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    100 Greatest Movie Insults of All Time

    Here, in all their pithy, venomous, hilarious glory, are 100 Greatest Movie Insults of All Time. Tip: you may want to grab the headphones if you are sitting at work.

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