Dutch Lottery Helps Sea Shephard Stop Illegal Fishing in the Southern Ocean

New 8.3-million-Euro boat will help save the Antarctic eco-system.
Laetitia Laubscher
Published on January 27, 2015

In partnership with

For most regular non-saints, a game of if-someone-gave-you-8.3-million-euros-what-would-you-do-with-it, would usually involve answers to the tune of some sort of lavish expenditure - or you know, just paying off the student loan, the mortgage, cat's medical expenses etc. All very practical (or not), but usually quite selfish, or at least limited to one's innermost circle of close friends, family and pets.

Not the good folk at Sea Shephard.

Established in 1977, the Sea Shephard Conservation Society have been using all their efforts and money to better the world, for everyone. Since 2002 they have been onfronting illegal whalers and illegal fishermen in the waters surrounding the Antarctic continent (yes, where Happy Feet lives). Unregulated and illegal extraction of marine wildlife is disrupting the Antarctic eco-system and urgent action is needed.

Unfortunately, although quite successful, the fleet used by Sea Shepherd lack speed in comparison the the illegal fishing vessels. Due to budget restrictions, the charity have had a vessel that has the range and capability of reaching high top speeds to be the Southern Ocean Patrol flagship on their Christmas wish list for many years, but without avail.

Cue the annual Goed Geld Gala (Good Money Gala) which was held in Amsterdam on January 26th. At the gala Sea Shepherd received the biggest donation (8.3 million Euros) in its history. Sea Shepherd’s submitted dream project Stop Illegal Fishing in the Southern Ocean was awarded with the required funds to make their dream of having a leaner, meaner ship a reality.

“Sea Shepherd will now be able to have a custom-designed ship built, capable of achieving speeds that far exceed any of the vessels in our current fleet. After researching possible ship builders for the last two years, negotiations with Dutch ship builder Damen has resulted in a blueprint of our ideal ship”, said Alex Cornelissen, CEO of Sea Shepherd Global.

The Dutch Postcode Lottery contributed 7.5 million Euros to Sea Shephard. Further to the Dream Project, Sea Shepherd once again also received a check for 900,000 Euros from the Postcode Lottery, bringing the total donation that Sea Shepherd has received from the Lottery since 2007 to the generous amount of 15.5 million Euros.

The people's Postcode Lottery is a Dutch-origin subscription lottery where with each $2 spent on a lottery ticket, 25c is donated to a charity trust.

Published on January 27, 2015 by Laetitia Laubscher
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