Federal Street Christmas Festival 2018

A highly family-friendly Christmas street festival.
Laetitia Laubscher
Published on December 10, 2018


This December, Auckland's Federal Street is pretty much turning into a giant, physical advent calendar with different events marking each day we get closer to Santa's arrival.

From December 14 onwards, the Federal Street Christmas Festival will be up and running from noon until 10pm each day, featuring markets, live performances and plenty of kid-friendly activities.

The Coatesville Markets will also be setting up their stalls under the Sky Tower on a daily basis from December 14 onwards, helping those still in need of some crafty stocking fillers. On select days during the festival (see their calendar for details) you'll also be able to go watch breakdancing Santas, the Christmas Rockettes and a carol-singing Christmas choir while shopping for gifts.

For those with small children, balloon artists, the Christmas fairy and face painters will be floating around the street and Santa will also be around for some photo opps and gift requests.


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