Free Yoga

Free bi-weekly lunchtime yoga classes from the beautiful people at Bikes & Bends.
Laetitia Laubscher
Published on December 03, 2018


The good folk at Bikes & Bends are giving everyone in Auckland's inner city an early Christmas present with free yoga classes on the Viaduct's Te Wero Bridge. The 45-minute classes will take place on Wednesdays and Fridays at noon every week until Christmas.

Founded by yoga and meditation enthusiasts and teachers Danica and Nick, Bikes & Bends is a social enterprise with the purpose of making "yoga and meditation accessible to everyone" as well as "helping people unplug and connect with their true nature through yoga and meditation". The team are currently offering three, free yoga and meditation classes across Auckland on a weekly basis (in Britomart, Smales Farm and the Eastern Viaduct). The team also do yoga packages as well as yoga retreats — for those needing a little bit of extra me time and who are keen to support a very good social enterprise.

Lunchtime classes are outdoors so do put on some sunscreen, and bring a water bottle and a yoga mat if you have one. Classes are suitable for all levels.


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