Glass Vaults

The band emit a hypnotic sound which is hard to describe at best.
Laetitia Laubscher
Published on May 01, 2015


Local band Glass Vaults will be playing a one-off performance at Meow ahead of the release of their debut album Sojourn set for release in September 2015.

Led by core members Richard Larsen and Rowan Pierce, the band presents a hypnotic layering of percussion and haunting-yet-sentimental vocals - a sound which is elusive to describe at best. From EP to EP their sound has remained malleable and so far has sidestepped any fixed genre constraints. In a pre-Bright (their last EP) interview with Presence, Rowan Pierce remarked "we got some press and they classed us as glacial pop. At the time this felt really relevant, but it’s feeling a little less so now. Our music has always felt ethereal to us, what we try to do is chase a feeling of euphoria when we are making music anyway so it’s gonna be ethereal. I guess the glacial side of it describes quite a cold vibe but I feel like we are steering away from the coldness of it all now. I think its warmer…not quite tropical yet – temperate, ethereal I’d say."

Other bandmate Richard Larsen blatantly just refused to talk in genre. “Vibes! That is what it is about for me right now...“It’s about making really good environments. But it’s changing though, we’re moving towards exploring new, just as powerful environments though other feelings.”

They will be joined by friends Encouragement and Womb. Door sales only.

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