SPCA Sweet Dreams Adoption Slumber Party

Activities planned for the night include snuggling animals, some more snuggling, with an extra side of snuggle.
Laetitia Laubscher
Published on April 10, 2015


Made any plans for today? Cancel them because Wellington SPCA are having an adoption slumber party and you're invited (okay, well not you specifically, but any and every animal lover can come along).

Activities planned for the day include snuggling animals, some more snuggling, with an extra side of snuggle. Should you make a friend that you'd like to cuddle a whole lot more than just one day or night, that can be arranged. All the pets attending the slumber party are ones that would love a permanent home full of snuggles.

The slumber party starts at the quite early hour of 10am and runs until 8pm. Do it for the snuggles.


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