The Ride

A human library on wheels.
Laetitia Laubscher
Published on February 15, 2019


Get into a car with a stranger and leave with a different slant on life. The Ride by Artsense Productions, is a personalised Fringe Festival experience where the production company links you up with an expert on a topic you've always been interested in learning more about — anything from microbiology to plumbing to poetry to astrophysics to cooking — and organises for the two of you to ride around the streets of Auckland to talk about it. The idea is to basically have a human library on wheels.

Artsense Productions are known for highly personalised, innovative and interactive performance pieces. Their other interactive performance/talk in this year's Fringe Festival is I Didn't Invite You Here to Lecture Me a performance of all the marginally relevant asides and comments made by lecturers in your own living room. Other performances created by Artsense Productions include This is What You Signed Up For, a one-to-one psychological test which puts you in the position of the parent and a literary-inspired music walk for the Auckland Writers Festival.


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