Whammy Christmas Quiz

Use your knowledge of useless facts to win a pint or two.
Laetitia Laubscher
Published on December 18, 2018


The year's coming to a yawning close and although your December calendar might already be dotted with plans to go to work Christmas parties, weekend road trips, New Years festivals and other seasonal events, make a little space this Wednesday for the Whammy Christmas Quiz.

Hosted by quizmaster Taylor MacGregor, the free entry quiz night promises to be 'a pub quiz for the ages', where your knowledge of useless factoids can win you a couple of Urbanaut Brewing Co pints.

The Christmas quiz will also feature interlude both classic and festive music by cover band Ruby and the Tunas.

Please note that in case of a tie-break situation there will be a clap-o-meter karaoke battle to decide the winner. Book in advance by emailing Taylor on [email protected] or messaging through the event page. Maximum six humans per table.


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