One of Australia's Top National Parks Is Getting a Huge Facelift

The Northern Territory's Litchfield Adventure Park will gain five new swimming spots and waterfalls, 40 kilometres of new four-wheel drive tracks and three new campgrounds.
Sarah Ward
Published on March 17, 2018

If Uluru's stunning Field of Light installation doesn't already have you planning a trip to the centre of the country, then the latest news out of the Northern Territory might — Litchfield Adventure Park, the NT's most popular national park, is getting a $12.1 million makeover.

As part of the facelift announced by the NT Government, new areas of the 1500 square kilometre park will be opened up to visitors, including five new swimming spots and waterfalls, 40 kilometres of new four-wheel drive tracks and three new campgrounds.

Established as a national park in 1986, Litchfield is located 120 kilometres south-east from Darwin, and is a particularly popular spot for day-trippers. Indeed, it's the Top End's most popular national park, attracting almost 370,000 visitors a year. The new addition — in the park's north, as reported by the ABC — expected to increase that number by 60,000 annually.

At present, there's plenty at Litchfield to entice visitors anyway, including existing swimming holes, camping spots, picnic grounds, bushwalking tracks, scenic lookouts and more. A highlight for adventurous trekkers is the 39-kilometre Tabletop Track, which takes up to five days to complete, with camp sites along the way.

For more information about Litchfield Adventure Park, visit the park's website.

Published on March 17, 2018 by Sarah Ward
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