Lenovo Creates First Ever Eye-Controlled Computer
Blinking or being distracted by someone across the room could potentially lead to your documents closing unsaved, now that your eyes can control your computer.
Scrabble Revived with Designer Fonts
Now not only is Scrabble a delightful game for grammar pedants but for typography fetishists as well.
TED 2011’s Big Idea for Global Sustainability
Interchangeable life-size Lego parts have the power to completely democratise industrial production in a sustainable way.
Literary Figures Give Lego Bookish Cred
The one thing Lego has always needed was a smug F. Scott Fitzgerald and brooding Ernest Hemingway to give it some literary credit.
Lego Releases Digital Camera
The new go-to gadget for anyone who wants a colourful, geometric and completely unique and workable camera.
Daft Punk and Coke to Release Shiny Limited Edition Bottles
New Coke bottles inspired by Daft Punk's robot helmets will undoubtedly become the source of many a French hipster's pick-up line.
Kite-Powered Car Drives Across Australia
A unique take on raising environmental awareness involves a kite and a pair of German 'extreme sportsmen.'
Breakup Notifier Normalises Your Facebook Stalking
The highly controversial new Facebook app is the one most likely to get you laid by someone on the rebound.
Tron: Legacy Inspires Icehotel Art Suite
British designers/sci-fi fans redesign Sweden's icehotel, Tron: Legacy style.
World’s Smallest Postal Services
Things are always better in miniature. Including the postal service.