• News

    Turn Your iPhone Into a Polaroid Printer

    iPhone case concept can print your iPhone photos like old-school Polaroids.

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    SafeHouse is Rupert Murdoch’s Answer to WikiLeaks

    News Corporation's online attempt at replicating the success of WikiLeaks seems flaky on several levels.

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    The Next Step for Smart Phones: Paper Thin

    Introducing the PaperPhone: an extremely light weight and, as the name suggests, paper-thin smart phone.

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    Nissan to Produce New York’s Taxi of Tomorrow

    The iconic New York yellow taxi will be produced by Japanese manufacturer Nissan in the years to come.

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    Paint Your Running Route with GPS Technology

    Running routes recorded with GPS technology are transformed into dynamic, digital artworks.

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    Vivid Let Loose Their Plans For Creative Sydney 2011

    Vivid Creative Sydney has just been announced, with over 50 creative leaders lined up to keep you inspired and full of ideas.

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    Leica’s iPhone Camera Add-on Set to Revolutionise iPhoneography

    A concept by Black Design Associates combines Leica and iPhone technology for the ultimate iPhoneography experience.

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    San Francisco Introduces Online CBD Parking Solution

    New website and smart phone app help solve parking problems in San Francisco.

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    Burberry’s Holographic Models Take to the Runway in Beijing

    Burberry used holograms of models in their technology-inspired runway show in Beijing.

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    Bespoken Art Puts Voice to Canvas

    Bespoken Art captures the sound waves of your voice and creates a unique piece of artwork.

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    The T-Box Captures Wind Power From Trains

    The T-Box can harness wind energy from moving trains to generate power.

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    Watch Coachella 2011 Live on YouTube

    YouTube Live will broadcast the Coachella music festival live from Palm Springs for the first time ever.

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    The Nano Guitar that is Smaller than a Human Blood Cell

    Cornell researchers have created a Nano Guitar that is smaller than a human red blood cell.

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    Ralph Lauren’s Solar-Powered Backpack

    Ralph Lauren's Solar Panel Backpack can charge iPhones, iPads and iPods in a matter of hours.

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    The Ultimate In-flight Gaming Experience

    The Not for Wimps gaming system is the future of the in-flight experience.

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    iPods Charged by the Human Heart

    New nanotechnology can lead to self-generated energy that can power iPods and other portable devices.

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    Google Launch New Recommendation Service

    Google recently jumped on the recommendation bandwagon with the launch of the "+1" button.

  • News

    Fools! Top 3 Tech Pranks from April 1

    Our favourite high-tech hoaxes from April 1.

  • News

    Crowd-Sourced Virtual Choir Unites on YouTube

    Thousands of voices unite in global virtual choir.

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    The EPOC Neuroheadset Lets Your Brain do the Talking

    EPOC's Neuroheadset allows users to control their computer with thoughts.

  • News

    Fighting Fire with Electricity?

    Electricity may be the basis for a new fire-extinguishing method.

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    Coffee Joulies Keep Your Coffee Just Right

    Cool down your coffee and keep it the perfect temperature twice as long.

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    Artificial Leaf Could Solve Energy Crisis

    Fake photosynthesis could power planet.

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    Augmented Reality Contact Lenses

    More Robo-Cop inspired tech being developed.

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    Agora Finds Friends for You

    Can't make friends? There's an app for that.

  • News

    Bee-like Mini Robots May Be The Key to Exploring Mars

    Searching for life on Mars could be made easier with the use of swarms of miniature robots.

  • News

    Concrete Playground Needs a Digital Sales Manager

    Do you (a) possess excellent online sales skills and/or (b) look like Will Ferrell in Eastbound and Down? This might just be the role for you.

  • News

    Nokia and Burton Develop Smart Snowboards

    Snowboard with sensors can track your runs, and will do anything else you can think of and develop

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    Cyberdyne Develops Superhuman Robot Suits

    Cyberdine unleashes HAL, a robot suit that enhances strength beyond average human capability.

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    A Mobile that Can Recharge in your Pocket

    An environmentally friendly mobile phone that can run on body heat

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    Silicone Speakers for Sharing Music Anywhere

    Foldable, stackable, washable and virtually indestructible, Tembo Trunks sustainable silicone speakers let you share your tunes wherever you are.

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    IKEA Helps Organise Your Computer Desktop

    Can't get enough IKEA in your home? Download IKEA's digital storage solutions for your desktop

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    See More of the World with New Improved Google Street View

    New and improved Google Street View transports you to locations on all continents, with stunning 360 degree panoramas and enhanced interactivity.

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    Wear Music of Artists You Heart on Your Sleeve

    Playbutton is an mp3 player embedded in a badge, each one storing pre-recorded content like an album or mix-tape.

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    Tweets Inspire a Book on the Egyptian Revolution

    Tweets from activists in the revolution in Egypt are compiled into a compelling timeline of the uprising.

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    Google’s Person Finder Helps Locate Tsunami Victims

    Person Finder is an online search tool to help people locate the whereabouts of family members, loved ones and friends that have been caught in the natural disaster.

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    Surreal Images Caused by Google Earth Glitches

    These dream-like pictures look as though they could be from the set of Inception, but they're actually screenshots from Google Earth

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    Virtual Christchurch Cafe Raises Money for Earthquake Victims

    This philanthropic website seeks to aid New Zealand's earthquake victims with profits from virtual coffee products.

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    Flying House from ‘Up’ Recreated in California

    As part of a new National Geographic television series, a team of scientists, engineers and balloon pilots recreated the scene from the hit flick.

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    Eco-Friendly Alternative to Plastic USBs

    Each Flashkus is created from thin strips of recyclable cardboard, allowing for easy disk-labeling and the potential to recycle the body of the disk once you're done.

  • News

    Instagram and Stickygram Print Your iPhone Photography

    iPhone photography apps like Instagram and Hipstamatic recreate a Polaroid-feel in our piccies.

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