News Design & Style

Lego Releases Digital Camera

The new go-to gadget for anyone who wants a colourful, geometric and completely unique and workable camera.
Jasmine Phull
February 28, 2011


Lego Camera is a 3-Megapixel camera made entirely out of its namesake. It is a new go-to gadget for any shelf that’s looking a little bare and any hands that are feeling a little bored because, being Lego, you can add extra pieces to build a totally customised camera. Fortunately, it can't be pulled apart, which means you won’t find yourself scrambling on all fours looking for that missing piece.

The camera, available online at Urban Outfitters, has pretty simple features: fixed focus, digital zoom, in-built flash and a 1.5 inch colour-screen with memory to store 8 shots.  This may be marketed to the younger generation, but for those who never outgrew their childhood Lego fixation to operate this is certainly a fun option.

[Via Desktop Mag]