News Sustainability

Highly Efficient Aero-Train Prototype that Actually Flies

A new prototype that would eliminate the problem of friction between a train and its tracks by flying extremely close to the ground.
Amelia Walkley
May 18, 2011


No, not a bird. Not a plane, but quite close to it. Aero-Train is a new prototype that would eliminate the problem of friction between a train and its tracks by flying extremely close to the ground.

A paper given at the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation discussed the high-speed, high-efficiency possibilities of the use of levitation in train transport, and sparked the development of the Aero Train concept.

This video demonstrates the first version of Aero Train in action. The vehicle would be complex to control, requiring a highly skilled driver or even computer. But so efficient is the design that wind turbines or solar panels could power it.

Robot Vehicle Levitates On Air Cushion

[Via Fast Company]

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