News Technology

Aaron Hobson’s Google Street View Photography

A photographer takes breathtaking landscape photographs of remote locations scattered across the globe, all without leaving the comfort of his own computer screen.
Christopher Kevin Au
December 01, 2011


Aaron Hobson has taken some breathtaking landscape photographs of remote locations scattered across the globe, and all without leaving the comfort of his own computer screen. From the haunting energy of undisturbed forests in France to roads that wrap around mountainous Spain, Hobson has captured each of these picturesque moments using Google Street View.

Hobson says that he began using Google Street View to discover possible shooting locations for a film, but soon found himself clicking away for miles along deserted roads, all for his own pleasure. He also says that he uses Google Street View in High Definition, so that the photographs only require a few minutes of editing before they are put on show.

His work has garnered so much attention that last week his website buckled under the pressure of 50,000 views in one day.

This isn't the first time that Google Street View has been used to create an artistic work. Last week we featured the remarkable Address is Approximate, a stop motion animation film by Tom Jenkins. This film uses a clever combination of Google Street View and everyday objects to create a quirky sense of travel and distance.

The use of Google Street View by these online explorers proves that the world is now literally in the palm of our hands.

[via Mashable]