News Culture

Virtual Christchurch Cafe Raises Money for Earthquake Victims

This philanthropic website seeks to aid New Zealand's earthquake victims with profits from virtual coffee products.

Katie Calvin
March 16, 2011


The age of anything and everything available online is extending its reach to even the most humanitarian of acts: charity. Lending a hand to New Zealand's earthquake victims has been made simple with the development of the Christchurch Cafe, a virtual coffee shop that donates 100% of its profits to survivors suffering from severe income loss.

The inspirational site was created by the workers at Crafted Coffee, a Christchurch shop that was fortunate enough to escape the wrath of the devastating quake in February. The virtual cafe aims to aid business owners that were not so lucky by offering a menu of virtual coffee beverages, beans and equipment, priced from $2 to $300, that can be purchased in the form of a donation by a mere click of the mouse. Each item is linked to a Paypal site, making the process that much easier. Victims in need apply for aid online and Christchurch Cafe offers $200 per month, per person for as many as they can support with the money raised.

Although you may not get the kick of caffeine that comes with any other flat white at a cozy coffee shop, every dollar contributed to the Christchurch Cafe helps the struggling New Zealanders afford food and housing that is difficult to come by in the horrific aftermath of the earthquake. Now, let us not rule out boxing up unwanted clothes or extra canned goods to help out victims of natural disasters, but hopefully skipping your morning brew and donating a virtual flat white instead will catch on as a means of giving aid, and the altruistic buzz should more than make up for the missed caffeine kick.