News Culture

You Can Now Download Netflix Shows to Watch Offline

Binge watch even without an internet connection.
Lauren Vadnjal
December 01, 2016


Hell hath no fury like a Netflix user with a dodgy internet connection trying to watch the end of Stranger Things. Presumably Netflix has felt the wrath of this fury, and has today introduced a new feature that will allow Netflix subscribers to download selected TV shows and movies to their mobile devices to watch offline.

Just like Spotify's download button, Netflix's new feature will let users download shows to their mobile device through their iOS or Android app. It won't cost anything extra — you just need to update your Netflix app.

The new feature will certainly help make long-haul flights and train trips a little less painful, and be super useful for people who live in countries where mobile internet is limited or expensive. If you already use the Netflix mobile app, it'll probably save you some dollars too as you can subtly download entire seasons on your work's Wi-Fi.

However not every show will be able to be downloaded straight away — to start, it'll just be Orange is The New Black, Narcos and The Crown.