News Food & Drink

Win Ten Nights on the Town in Wellington with Concrete Playground

Win this prize and you will be away laughing.

Kyle Bell
April 17, 2014


Did you hear about the new restaurant on the moon? The food is great, but there's just no atmosphere… BAM.

Abominable dad jokes aside, Concrete Playground has a lot to be laughing about. We've teamed up with the New Zealand International Comedy Festival and Old Mout Cider to celebrate the launch of Concrete Playground Wellington. That's right, we're officially live. To kick things off we'd like to take you out on the town; we're giving two lucky people a right old hoot in Auckland or Wellington with some epic city adventures up for grabs.

One lucky person will win up to $640 worth of fun, comprising:

  1. Double Pass to see Tim Batt on April 29 valued at $40
  2. Double Pass to see James Nokise on April 30 valued at $40
  3. Double Pass to see Guy Montgomery on May 2 valued at $40
  4. Double Pass to see Jamaine Ross on May 6 valued at $40
  5. Double Pass to see Brendon Green on May 8 valued at $40
  6. Double Pass to see Jamie Bowen on May 14 valued at $40
  7. Dinner for Two at White House valued at $100
  8. Dinner for Two at Ancestral valued at $100
  9. Dinner for Two at Charley Noble valued at $100
  10. Dinner for Two at Logan Brown valued at $100

Congratulations to Sofie Bock for winning this prize. Stay tuned for further competitions like this by subscribing here.