News Culture

Splore Goes Annual

Something to smile about.

Barret Helander
May 20, 2014


Since it's start in 1998, Splore has been begged to go annual by festival goers. Fans of Splore are always disappointed after that last act knowing that it will be so long till they next attend. But a press release this morning changed all that, today it's been announced that Splore is officially becoming an annual event.

Splore has always set the bar for festival detail, around every corner are pieces of art and colour that just don't need to be there, but what makes the festival so special is that they are. The art instillations are almost as important as the music, which itself is a collective of unknown local talent that anyone can apply to be considered for. The location (Tapapakanga Park, 70KM SE of Auckland), is one of the most beautiful spots for a festival in the world, enabling patrons to see the gig from the shallow warm waters of the idyllic beach, surrounded by a national park.

Earlybird tickets go on sale June 2 through, Music and performance announcements will be made over the coming months, check the Splore website for updates and details.