News Music

Blink Announces the Inclusive New Zealand Music Awards

"It's the only music awards you can take seriously."

Stephen Heard
October 02, 2014


Ian "Blink" Jorgenson has been on a roll since closing the doors of his Wellington music venue Puppies and wrapping up Camp A Low Hum. He’s released a book outlining the problems within the New Zealand music scene and how to fix them, given wind of an alternate music royalty system, announced a new party under the A Low Hum banner, and much more.

Now, after finding a lack of community in the country’s traditional music awards, Blink is launching his own inclusive and credible music award format called, The Year In.

“I wanted to create a system where less emphasis was put on the “winners” and the competitive aspect and more emphasis on bringing everyone together, making sure nobody was left out and that the awards themselves became as important a document as the achievements it was celebrating – that the standout achievements of the year actually get taken seriously because the transparency of why they got there is visible. I wanted something for the fans and the global music community that lived on forever – not just one night of back slapping and slightly increased xmas sales figures.”

The awards aim to be "fair and transparent and reflective of an entire year of music through multiple genres, scenes and communities. Excluding none but still effectively highlighting the significant achievements of the year for all concerned. It's the only music awards you can take seriously." Interested parties have until the Monday, December 1 to submit their work in four of the six categories - Album of the Year, Video of the Year, Album Cover of the Year and Poster of the Year. Live Performance of the Year and Song of the Year will be determined by contributors with no submissions possible.

Read more on The Year In over here.