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Concrete Playground Meets Third3ye

Clockwise conversation with local boys on the come-up.

Barret Helander
May 20, 2014


After two EPs and the recently released debut album 'On3ness', the Third3ye boys are comfortable on cloud nine.

Coming back from a long-needed break following the release of their latest album, I sat down with Angelo, Bronson, Ben and Toru in St Lukes Auckland (DJ Torus flat), to catch up and learn a bit more about what makes them tick. What strikes me most about these boys, is that while they seem like a trippy-hippy Hip Hop outfit, they're actually such standard kiwi dudes. Reminiscent of most cats their age, they're just mates doing what they love; making music.

If you haven't yet caught on to them, it's high time you did. With that in mind, have a listen to their most recent and rather lavish new video, '3ye Spy, while read our catch up from the boys.

This album conveys a pretty consistent theme/ mantra. Are you happy with the way you have portrayed Third3ye to the public?

Angelo: Yes, I think the portrayal is in the title and it's oneness. That's us and that's what's created with the music we're creating together, it's a microcosm, a small version of our utopia.

Bronson: Also any negative impressions are just what we're feeling at the time, not necessarily how we always feel.

Do you think the album has left room for progression? Have you started work on any new music?

Ben Jamin: Definitely, we're finally now solidified on knowing each others style. The next one is gonna be something so fucking good, this is just a warm up.

DJ Toru: It was a damn good warm up though.

Bronson: We we're in Queenstown and Piha and it was flowin like mother fuckin hot cakes. A lot of stuff just stuck at the time.

Angelo: We named it for what it was.

If On3ness could reach the ears of anyone in the world who would you each want it to be?

Angelo: Flying Lotus and The Brain Feeder Community

Bronson: The Underachievers and Brain Feeder

Ben Jamin: Joey bada$$, The Pro Era Movement.

DJ Toru: Kanye West – (everyone gasps) -  Na cause like he's too regressive for this world. I wonder if it would resonate with him. – (everyone agrees).

If this album could get you to any festival in the world, where would you like to play?

Bronson: Burning Man would be sick.

DJ Toru: Coachella would be dope too.

Angelo and Ben: Glastonbury would be a good opportunity.

Bronson: For an opportunity based festival; maybe SXSW (South by Southwest). Even soulfest would be cool.

Do you see any collaborations in the near future?

Angelo: We're spontaneous and we like to keep it really exclusive. Bjorn from the Opensouls, if you're out there, we really want to work with you.

Angelo, you use a lot of reference to old biblical texts in you writing. Do you think there's a lot of information modern day man should know about ancient history, that they don't. If so what texts do you recommend.

Angelo: To go forward you have to know where you've come from. I suppose I'm blessed because I've experienced and am informed about both sides, I was baptised a Catholic went to Sunday school and church. It was a little too structured for me, but there was no pressure, my father was very spiritual as well.

In terms of lyricism, who do Angelo and Bronson take influence from. Also what are some of everyone's favourite all time hip hop outfits?

Bronson: Bizziy Bone and Bone Thugs, Big L, Nas, Capital Steez.

Angelo: I'm very influenced by Tupac Shakur as a person not just a lyricist. Black Thought, Mos Def, Andree 3000.

DJ Toru: I'm a huge Tribe Called Quest fan. J Dilla, but very into the west too – Souls of Mischief and Hieroglyphics. (Everyone agrees with this).

Ben Jamin: Yeah, Hieroglyphics and Pro Era.

I know Bronson is an Avondale boy, where does everyone else take root from?

DJ Toru: Up north, from a place called Moerewa.

Ben Jamin: North Shore, Auckland.

Angelo: Pukekohe Dark Side bro. (Everyone bursts into laughter).

Angelo, your brother Ethan is from Bad Crop right? Do they have any releases on the way we should know about?

(Angelo) Yeah bro, check out their new track; Goes Around. They're on the come up bro. The next piece'll be the banger piece. The songs they just released were old, but na they're on the come up man.

Sound wise it seems like you guys made a pretty fluid adjustment between producers from Swervin Mervin to Ben Jamin. Did you find Ben Jamin was a good fit?

Angelo: Yes! Absofuckinlutely! Right place right time, it's what created the different thing we are now. Ben completed the puzzle.

Bronson: The chemistry with us four is just nuts.

Ben Jamin: We just needa get back to Queenstown.

Angelo: – It's always just blazing aye hahahaha. Those are the fastest days have ever gone for me.

How do you guys get loose and create new music/ jam? Maybe it's a location or routine or lucky chant.

Bronson: Marijuana, beats, freedom and a good sense of humour.

(Everyone laughs)

DJ Toru: Laughter bro.