News Music

Eminem is Suing the National Party for Copyright Infringement

The publishing arm that represents the work of US rapper Eminem are suing the New Zealand National Party for alleged infringement of the track ‘Lose Yourself’.
Stephen Heard
September 17, 2014


The publishing arm that represents the work of US rapper Eminem are suing the New Zealand National Party for alleged infringement of the track ‘Lose Yourself’. The Detroit-based music publishers Eight Mile Style, LLC and Martin Affiliated are seeking damages for copyright infringement of the song in a promotional video for this year’s General Election.

The music in question boasts a groove and riff undoubtably similar to that of ‘Lose Yourself’, all minus the Eminem's classic lyrics “vomit on his sweater already, mom’s spaghetti,” etc.

In a statement, the National Party said they purchased the music from production music supplier Beatbox. “The music was originally published by Spider Cues Music, a well-established Los Angeles-based provider of music to the film and entertainment industry.”

Joel Martin, speaking on behalf of the publishers, said: “The claim we have filed alleges copyright infringement. Eminem’s publishers were not approached for permission to use any of Eminem’s songs for this campaign advertisement. It is both disappointing and sadly ironic that the political party responsible for championing the rights of music publishers in New Zealand by the introduction of the 3 strikes copyright reforms should itself have so little regard for copyright. We do not hesitate to take immediate action to protect the integrity of Eminem’s works, particularly where a party, as here, has sought to associate itself with Eminem and his work.”