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How to Follow the US 2016 Election Online in New Zealand

One co-worker's computer screen must be sacrificed today.
By Tom Clift
November 09, 2016

It's here. Oh God, oh God, it's finally here. After more than a year of bickering, speculation and a seemingly never-ending parade of scandals, in the next four to six hours we'll probably know the name of the next American President. Just about every new organisation on the planet will be covering the race. Below, we've put together a list of the best places to tune in to the finale of the most exhausting reality show in the history of modern democracy.


This year, Google launched their new election tool that presents election results in real time. Just pop in "US election" into search.


Hop on to YouTube for live streams from NBC NewsBloombergPBSMTV NewsTelemundo and The Young Turks. Complex News is also streaming an election-night special at YouTube Space NY.


BuzzFeed News has teamed up with Twitter for an exclusive election live stream, available via, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV and Xbox One.


A few US news outlets will be using Facebook Live to stream election results, commentary and analysis. Check out PBS NewsHour, AJ+, The Washington Post and The New York Times. Alternatively, Huffington Post are streaming a Donald Trump candle melting in real time. So, y'know, there's that.


The Guardian has the most adorable and comprehensive map and tracker we've seen. Huffington Post and Fox News will be streaming through Verizon's go90streaming service. US news sites like CNN (also fronting a killer interactive electoral college map) and MSNBC will be streaming from their own websites, and Fox will be streaming from their Fox News Go app.


You definitely want to keep your eyes on Nate Silver's FiveThirtyEight, along with The New Yorker and Politco. Oh, and The Onion, because laughing is better than crying.


Yes, that's right, virtual reality. Because why wouldn't you want to get ever closer to Donald Trump. AltspaceVR have teamed up with NBC News to present VR coverage throughout the night.

By Tom Clift and Shannon Connellan.

Top image: The Guardian.