News Technology

Stick This TV to Your Wall and Watch it.

It is like a fridge magnet but you can watch Friends on it.
Diana Clarke
June 03, 2015

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Remember when the smaller the technology was, the more it was coveted? Your old Nokia 3310 was cruelly dubbed “the brick” and traded in for the cooler, hipper, smaller, flip-top alternative. Well now it is cool for things to be thin. Not just people and smartphones and laptops and fries (skinny fries are better though), but televisions too.

Not that the notion of skinny televisions is anything revolutionary. Since its inception in 1878 where the concept of TV was nothing more than a tube and a bunch of cathode rays, the television has been refined and improved. From wooden boxes in the 1940s with round screens and speaker boxes, to black and white displaying cubes with antennae in the ‘50s, and the introduction of colour image in the ‘60s. Televisions finally started to shrink to microwave sized prisms in the '70s, and remote controls meant getting rid of the chunky station dials in the 1980s. There were 1 billion TVs in the world by the late ‘90s and the invention of rear projection cathode-ray tubes meant the introduction of the big screen. Then plasma technology hit the market and the flat-screen model was invented, as well as HDTV and finally the concept of Smart TV in the '00s.


And now the television has more potential than ever before. LG has introduced a wallpaper television. It is a 55-inch screen, weighs 1.9 kilos and is less than a millimetre thick. Or thin. And it might be the future of television.The screen sticks to the wall using attraction to an adhesive magnetic panel that is applied to the space behind where the TV will be situated. It is kind of like a fridge magnet except you can watch Friends on it.

Currently still a prototype, since LG is still perfecting the OLED (organic light-emitting diode) technology that allows the screens to be so thin and flexible, once the televisions hit the market, they are said to be selling around the $9k mark, but will, no doubt, become more affordable once the technology is more widely available.

To be honest, $9000 is a bargain for a wide screen TV that can be peeled off and remounted anywhere in your house. Think of the possibilities. CSI:Miami whilst you take a shower. Come Dine With Me whilst you cook dinner. Orange is the New Black on your ceiling when you’re lying in bed. That’s the stuff dreams are made of.

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