This Free Mental Wellbeing App Has Been Designed to Help You Through the COVID-19 Pandemic

Take control of mental health and wellbeing with some help from an All Blacks legend.
Stephen Heard
Published on April 20, 2020

The current climate of uncertainty is the perfect breeding ground for anxiety and stress. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, All Blacks legend and long-time mental health advocate Sir John Kirwan is stepping up to support Kiwis during the crisis by offering his wellbeing app for free.

Mentemia — Italian for 'my mind' — was initially created by Kirwan and a team of clinical experts to help tackle stress and anxiety in the workplace. The free public version has been adapted with practical tips and techniques to help New Zealanders take control of mental health and wellbeing through the COVID-19 pandemic.

The app uses evidence-based content and tools that can be introduced into daily routines. With Kirwan as your guide, you'll have access to a mood tracker and conscious breathing techniques which can be used to cope in stressful situations. It also provides daily suggestions, including how to relax your mind before going to sleep, and provides "bite-sized brain science," which breaks down complex ideas so they are easy to understand.

The free public rollout of Mentemia has been made possible by contributions from the Ministry of Health, Kiwibank and Westpac. The partnership will also see Mentemia create mental wellbeing content and tools to support frontline health workers and Government employees in essential services.

Mentemia is available on both iPhone and Android for free until at least October 2020. For more information about the app, visit


Head to the New Zealand Government's Ministry of Health website for the latest COVID-19 advice.

Published on April 20, 2020 by Stephen Heard
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