Chopper’s Repeat Offender Tour

Controversial humour, a hearty moustache and copious amounts of cussing.
Diana Clarke
Published on May 05, 2014


When you think of Heath Franklin's Chopper, you might think of the controversial humour, the hearty moustache or the F word. His latest Repeat Offender tour promises to deliver heavily on each of these. Selling over 250 000 tickets in Australia, New Zealand and the UK, and recently recording his new live performance The Sh*tlist, Chopper’s scandalous stories are lauded worldwide.

Franklin's newest imitation of the late Mark (Chopper) Read delves into the notorious Australian criminal's life. This includes numerous run ins with the law and a few kidnappings here and there. He is going to tell you about listening to the life gurus and following your heart. Don’t freak. He hasn't gone all sentimental. Instead he admits that, for Chopper, following his heart has only had him arrested, jailed and stabbed, leading him to the conclusion that his heart is a f**king idiot.

Repeat Offender is made up of the countless times that Chopper’s "anyone who doubts me can go f**k themselves" attitude  landed him in a heap of trouble. Or jail. Or brutally stabbed. But Franklin manages to take the criminal's serious crimes and twist them into hilarious analogies.

Go see Chopper. Because who doesn't secretly love to hear about other people getting into f**king bad situations?

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