Free Sunset Yoga Classes

Salute the sunset at Kilbirnie Park's free yoga classes this December.
Bronte Stevenson
Published on November 20, 2018


Salute the sun as you downward dog your way into relaxation of the mind, body and soul at the free sunset yoga classes held at Kilbirnie Park. The events will be held on the first two Tuesdays of December from 7-8pm.

People of all ages are invited by Club Active Gym Wellington to embrace daylight savings and cat pose through an evening of mindfulness breathing and thinking, and an array of poses to shake off the stress of the day.

The classes are designed for everyone, including yoga novices to experienced yoga enthusiasts. Registration is free and done so through the Eventbrite website.

Bring along a yoga mat (if you don't have one, don't worry — Club Active Gym Wellington's got you covered) and a bottle of water and watch your tensions slip away along with the sunset.

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