Glass Vaults

It's going to be a heck of a leaving party.
Lauren Harrigan
Published on July 14, 2016


It's always a mildly sad day when a cool Wellington band departs our shores in search of bigger things in Europe (looking at you, Glass Vaults!). However, these lads haven't quite departed yet—they're having one last party at Moon in Newtown.

Head along to hear their hypnotic blend of electronic, washed pop vibes and the textural mixture of their loopy vocal hooks, guitar and percussion. This twosome are some of the most experimental, laid back performers out there—the products of their synthesiser dabbling and soaring vocals are bound to make one heck of a party. The band describes their song's themes at times as filled with "celebration, environment and love," and other times "stoner gospel." You'll get their vocal aesthetic when you hear it—we're not missing our chance. See you at Moon.

(We're also under good authority that there are some great Pokemon hiding at Moon- just sayin'.)


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