I Can't Say the F Word
Dry jokes and a deadpan expression balancing out deep, personal confessions.
Gavin Roach belongs to that brave and insane bunch of people who aren’t afraid to share the most intimate details of their lives with the world. And thanks god for them, because it makes the rest of us feel less weird and more like functional beings. His Any Womb Will Do and Confessions of a Grindr Addict are both personal stories performed under the alias of troubled romantic, Felix. His latest autobiographical piece is his first under his own name. I Can’t Say the F Word follows Roach’s struggle to come to terms with his sexuality, and the daily challenges of being gay.
The show show has humour. Roach is a comedian at heart, known for dry jokes and a deadpan expression, but it is more than a comedy. Under the joking and teasing is a message for equality. Not one of those preachy, high and mighty speeches, but more of an emotional anecdote that is as humorous as it is sad, and as entertaining as it is a plea for change.
Whether you want to be entertained, informed or inspired, Roach’s story is a touching one. You’ll leave with a deeper understanding of the F word and its impact on those it is thrown at. An F word that is more offensive than the one you think he is referring to.