I thought I would of climbed more mountains by now
Climbing mountains might not be all that inspirational after all.
The idea of 'conquering' mountains is an age-old concept. As the well-put Enjoy's presser reads: "Mountain climbing is the oldest metaphor in the book for success, an analogy for conquering, a punch to sky in a kind of fuck-yeah triumph."
Bridget Reweti has other ideas.
Reweti’s inspiration stems from the Maori belief that we come from within the earth and that we should focus on belonging to it rather than reaching away from it. Her art sets out to criticise and reflect on our ingrained perspectives of the land. Sure, the idea of conquering a mountain seems a good one, but unless you like sub-zero temperatures and low-oxygen levels they’re not really the most pleasant place to be.
Her exhibition I thought I would of climbed more mountains by now challenges what we expect to see in scenic photography, particularly of New Zealand landscapes.
Climbing mountains might not be all that inspirational after all.