Event Te Aro

Just Bet/ween Us

Dancing takes a gamble.
Diana Clarke
March 02, 2015

in partnership with


In the Fringe Festival's Just Bet/ween Us, six performers tell a story of gambling, addiction, and risk - using only their bodies and dance to convey that crucial message. We’ve seen the ads between episode of Shortland Street and read the warnings outside the casino, but we’ve never seen gambling and all that comes with it through dance production. Footnote’s six dancers take on the challenge.

Audience interaction plays a part in the message too. Viewers can select from the six performers, each of whom focus on a different aspect of gambling and what it entails. Giving audiences the choice of which dancer to watch might say something about our own view of gambling. The choice of which performance to follow is a gamble in itself, meaning the show will be different each night.

Choreographed by Claire O’Neil, dancer, teacher, performer and choreographer with over 17 years of experience in the world of dance, the dances themselves promise perfect execution. As for the storyline, it’s largely up to the audience.




Mon, Mar 2, 2015 - Sat, Mar 7, 2015

Mon, Mar 2, 2015 - Saturday, March 7, 2015



Bats Theatre
60 Dixon Street
Te Aro


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