Late Night Knife Fight

Three teams face off in a tournament of wits.
Lauren Harrigan
Published on November 06, 2017


Bats Theatre is a powerhouse of improv comedy. In its annual season of Late Night Knife Fight, aspiring thespians with a penchant for improv will gather to gnash their teeth and wail at each other through the medium of improv theatre.

Truly, it's so hard to describe this battle — improvisation doesn't lend itself to predictability (that's why it's called improv). You never know what you're going to wind up watching unfold on stage — the best thing you can do is grab a spontaneous ticket and turn up ready to be surprised and delighted.

Three teams face off in a tournament of wits to battle for their glory, honour and the audience's favour. The winner of the fight returns in the headline spot for the next month's show. Bats says, "We'll bring the knives; you bring the judgement."

Sounds like something we can do.

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