
Enjoy's latest artistic offering uses some unusual materials.
Joshua Crozier
Published on December 02, 2014


Matter. We're all made of it. We all engage it at every waking moment of our lives. But what is it all about? Loaded investigates this materiality that we wallow in daily by assembling an eclectic group of Kiwi and Australian artists who have been manipulating materials for over two decades and bring to the fore challenging messages about the material nature of existence.

The artist roster features Johl Dwyer, Mikala Dwyer, Julia Morison, John Nixon and Elizabeth Newman. Expect subversion of regular pandering to cultural iconography, with rich works comprising excrement, gold, nail polish, plaster, oil, enamel and bark to convey intricate and stimulating questions about material experience. The exhibition is curated by Sarah Caylor and Gary Peters and runs until December 13. Get on down for a visually fascinating and tactile encounter with material not as you know it.

Image: John Nixon, Silver Monochrome, 2010, enamel and bark on canvas, 305 x 230mm


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